Fancy Guppies- By Top Shelf Guppies
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Top Shelf Guppy Breeding tanks in our new fish room, also a couple of tubs with Purple Dragon Mosaic's and Albino Full Gold Guppies. Several grow out tanks for select strains.Top Shelf makes our own filters from our individual guppy tanks.Soon to be sold as a kit by Top Shelf Guppies and Aquatic's. Our kits will have all clear marbles. Kit will include instructions, one(1) plastic cup, marbles, 2 filter pads and 2 extra filter pads a proper amount of activated charcoal, clear plastic center tube, and one(1) air stone to add to your air line and drop down plastic tube to make this awesome set up work. This filter allows you to monitor how dirty the filter is and will give you a visual as to when to change. Guppy StrainsTop Shelf makes our own filters from our individual guppy tanks. This is an improved version using glass marbles instead of rocks, and black 1/4" thick layers of foam to contain the activated charcoal. |
Top Shelf Guppy tanks new set upsTop Shelf also has several of these 42" dia. fine mesh floating breeding nets for outdoor pond raised guppies. Note this is and experiment only , fish collected from this net in our 7 acre lake will be quarantined for 6 months before they are sold to the public. |
Our tank number system, makes for easy tracking, stain inventory, fry born dates, and guppy ages, and med history as to where we have purchased them from or in house tank raised by Top Shelf |
Top Shelf experimenting with window in totes for breeding tanks on upper shelves of fish room |